6 Questions To Ask An Event Manager Before You Hire Them

Organising successful events requires a skill set that goes beyond the surface, making the role of an event manager crucial for seamless execution. If you lack the expertise to navigate the complexities of event planning, hiring a seasoned event manager becomes a strategic move. However, choosing the right professional for your company's needs requires thorough vetting. Here are five essential questions to pose before bringing an event manager on board.

  1. What specific services do they provide, and can they cater to your event's unique requirements?

    Clearly outline your event's needs and discuss the services they offer. Questions regarding venue selection, catering, audio-visual technology, transportation, staffing, and production should be thoroughly explored. Aligning their capabilities with your event's requirements ensures a comprehensive understanding of the services they can contribute to creating a stellar event.

  2. What is their event planning expertise, and do they specialise in certain types of events?

    Delve into their past experiences, focusing on the diversity of events they have successfully managed. Understanding their approach to different events, such as business functions, trade shows, weddings, or fundraisers, provides valuable insights into their qualifications. Conduct face-to-face interviews with situational questions to gauge problem-solving skills and composure under pressure.

  3. How do they remain up to date with industry trends and advancements?

    A forward thinking event manager is one who actively seeks to stay updated on industry trends and emerging technologies. Inquire about their affiliations with professional organisations, attendance at relevant conferences, and any certifications they hold. This ensures that your event benefits from the latest industry insights and innovations.

  4. What event technology and software are they proficient in?

    Compatibility with your company's technology ecosystem is crucial. Identify the tools they use for project management, budgeting, event websites, registration, ticketing, and analytics. A proficiency in specialised event technology not only streamlines the planning process but also adds consistent value to the overall event production.

  5. Can they provide references, including visual documentation of past events?

    Evaluate the event manager's track record by seeking references, including photos, videos, and testimonials from previous clients. A reputable event manager should readily provide references, offering a firsthand account of their professionalism and effectiveness in past collaborations. This insight ensures a clearer understanding of what to expect during the planning of your event.

  6. How do they handle unexpected challenges or changes during an event?

    Events are dynamic, and unforeseen challenges or last minute changes are inevitable. Understanding how an event manager navigates unexpected situations is crucial. Inquire about their problem solving approach, adaptability, and ability to make quick decisions under pressure. A skilled event manager should demonstrate resilience, resourcefulness, and composure, ensuring that your event remains on track even in the face of unexpected challenges. This question provides valuable insights into their ability to handle the unpredictable nature of event planning, ultimately contributing to the success of your event.

If you're ready to discuss your upcoming event or have further questions, please feel free to contact us. We're here to help you create an unforgettable and successful event tailored to your company's unique requirements.


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